A diary replacement

  • Kehilangan Teman

    Kehilangan Teman

    Sebelum saya mulai menuangkan pikiran saya kali ini, saya ingin menekankan bahwa buah pikiran saya ini murni opini belaka. Jika ada yang tidak setuju, saya tidak peduli. Jika ada yang tersinggung, apalagi. Saya sungguh tidak peduli. Saya adalah manusia biasa yang bersifat sama dengan kebanyakan manusia lainnya yang ada di dunia ini, berperan sebagai mahkluk…

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  • Trio Lestari (huh?)

    Again, I have the opportunity to write a report about one concert. This time, I got to write about a concert of three Indonesian singers: Tompi, Glenn Fredly, and Sandhy Sondoro. I was actually looking forward for this concert. I mean, Tompi is one of my most favorite Indonesian singers of all time. And I…

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  • Sex Could Kill You

    Sex could kill you. Do you know what the human body go through when you have sex? Pupil dilates, arteries constrict, core temperature rises, heart races, blood pressure skyrockets, respiration becomes rapid and shallow. The brain fires bursts of electrical impulses from nowhere to nowhere. Secretions spit out of every gland. And the muscles tense…

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  • Small Trip: Munich

    It was such a big deal to come to Munich in late September/early October. Heck, the word big is an understatement, it is HUGE. Although for me, it wasn’t that huge of a deal, because, I simply don’t drink. Beer, or any other alcohol, but mostly beer. (Seriously, why would people drink alcohol again? bad…

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  • Elementary Sweetheart (Part 5 – end)

    Previously on Elementary Sweetheart: I was in elementary school. Me and this boy had mutual feelings but he never had the courage to tell me in my face. When he did, I rejected him, not nicely. We ended up having an awkward friendship, due to the distance that separate us both.

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  • Tren Ganggu

    Setelah berpikir-pikir selama beberapa waktu, saya akhirnya memutuskan untuk membuat tulisan ini. Setelah menulis tentang Istilah Ganggu, saya merasa harus menerbitkan tulisan ini dengan segera. Dibawah ini adalah dua tren yang sungguh-sungguh mengganggu kemaslahatan umat manusia Indonesia.

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