That ‘First Night’

I came across Louie sometime ago when I accidentally changed the TV channel to FX. I have not yet become a fan and so far I have only watched a few episodes. However, the episodes that I watched have really touched me and I feel the need to share them.

One of the episodes that I watched was called Come On, God (S02E08). The whole episode was dedicated to masturbation, which is not the point of this post.

The point of this post is explained by the 2:50 minutes video below.
When I watched it the first time I laughed out loud. After that, I have not yet stopped wondering. Was it appropriate to laugh? Have I been mocking God? Have I been mocking people that worship God? After all, I am ‘keeping myself’ until I get married.

Anyway, regardless of what someone’s religion is, I guess this is the basic thought of why someone is ‘keeping themselves’ until they get married.

Happy wedding to all my dearest friends. I hope your ‘first night’ is not going to be as terrible as what I have been told.

Kekayaan dan Cara Menghabiskannya

Beberapa hari yang lalu, guru ngaji saya cerita-cerita dan ngasih ceramah sedikit.

“jangan mau jadi orang miskin, karena kemiskinan itu dekat dengan kekufuran.”

(Sedikit intermezzo dulu sebelum saya lanjut dengan topik tulisan saya kali ini:
1. ya. saya memang dikaruniai dengan kedatangan seorang guru ngaji setiap hari ke rumah selama bulan Ramadhan ini.
2. hari Jumat kemarin adalah hari terakhir saya ngaji, jadi pantaslah untuk memberikan sedikit kredit pada guru ngaji saya yang asik punya itu. Saya belajar banyak hal, Bu!
3. buat pembaca tulisan ini yang non-muslim: kekufuran itu arti kasarnya adalah menjadi tidak percaya dengan Allah, sehingga bisa menjadi kafir. Tapi ini artian yang secuil banget. Kalau mau tau lebih jelasnya, silakan hubungi ustadz-ustadz terdekat.)

Nah, maksud tulisan ini tuh sebenarnya ingin membahas persoalan kaya dan miskin ini.
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For me, it’s always interesting to read anything about Islam that is written in English, because it’s either written by a Western, non-muslim writer, or it’s written for the consumption of the Western world.

That was why when I saw this in print, I immediately read it, excitedly.

And of course, aside from learning so much about so many things, both Islamic and other general knowledge, I took couple quotes that were not only written excellently, but also spoken my mind.

Here they are:

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