Incase you’re not following…

… I am not exactly following American Idol myself, but I watch all three of this week’s broadcast. Based on my experience of watching very few performances, I have found my two favourites. And I just need to share them here.

The first one is when Candice Glover sang my all-time favourite John Legend‘s Ordinary People (for the record, although it’s relatively new – was released in 2005 or something – it IS one of my all-time favorite songs. I even got Tompi to sang – part of – it when I went to one of his early performances in a small cafe in Bandung).
Incase you have not yet watch her AMAZING performance, take a look at this clip below. To say incredible is an understatement.

The second one is Burnell Taylor. His performance was almost like an enlightenment for me. He sang a song called I’m Here which is taken from The Colour Purple (musical). It was my first time hearing this song (I know! Such a shame! I used to watched Oprah almost religiously and The Colour Purple is one of her best creations. Yet I have never made any effort to see it) and after his performance, I went directly to YouTube to watched/listened to the song (sang by various singers including Fantasia and Jennifer Hudson) repeatedly.
The song is awesome. I LOVE the lyrics, I think it is incredibly sweet and nice. And very positive too. It definitely makes it to the selection of my life anthems (if such thing even make any slightest sense), along with two of R. Kelly‘s songs (I Believe I Can Fly and World’s Greatest).
So, incase you could not care less about American Idol, ergo you missed Burnell’s performance of I’m Here, please – I am begging you to – see it below.

I really do not care who will win American Idol this year. I’ve been entertained with an outstanding rendition of one of my favourite songs and found a ‘new’ song to fall in love to. I am happy and that’s all that matters.





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