Author: alienkeren

  • Humanity = Marriage

    This is my take on humanity. I think marriage is one of the most humane thing that a human could do. That legal binding called marriage still fascinates me – why do we, humans, need it? No other species does. Other species simply mates with their own kind, whenever they have the urge to do…

  • Tourism is F&#%-ed?

    Indonesia just had a series of election, just in case you’ve been living under a rock, or you’re simply ignorant.   (Why does Indonesia’s elections matter, you might ask? Well, that’s another topic to discuss and I’m never going to discuss it. But fyi, on the top of my head, here are why Indonesia’s elections matter:…

  • KBBI dan EYD

    Sudah beberapa waktu ini saya bekerja sambil terus-menerus melihat Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia dan Pedoman Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan. Hasilnya? Cukup untuk bikin saya frustasi! Sisi positif dari getolnya saya bolak-balik cek KBBI dan EYD, saya jadi banyak belajar dan saya jadi semakin mengerti. Sisi negatifnya, saya jadi semakin menyadari betapa rendahnya pengetahuan Bahasa Indonesia saya,…

  • Daydream – Melamun

    Heads up: another bilingual post! Perhatian: tulisan dwibahasa lagi!  

  • Zigzag over Thames

    Just to validate what I wrote here, here’s my take on this week’s photo challenge.     Some crazy planes flew over the Thames one day and I happened to be in the Southbank, by Tate Modern, looking up and found those random zigzag patterns over Blackfriars Bridge. Result: very pretty sunset.  

  • Kill! Die!

    In the light of the crazy world we are living in…