Category: muse

  • The Case of Travelling Solo

    “You are very brave.” Was the remark I heard the most during my last solo trip.

  • An Offer I Couldn’t Refuse

    In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Race the Clock.” This is a super hard question. What is that one offer that I couldn’t refuse?   First thought: money. Meh. Sure I need money to sustain my live and therefore live my dream, but if I don’t know where the money come from, I…

  • Kill! Die!

    In the light of the crazy world we are living in…

  • Weekly Photo Challenge: Work of Art

    This week’s Photo Challenge is Work of Art. The most interesting thing about this challenge is that it allows everyone to share what they think a work of art is. Here’s my take:  

  • A Week Later

      “So you guys kissed?”   “Yeah.”

  • The Umpteenth Wedding

    Mrs. Hudson: So – it’s the big day then! Sherlock: What big day? Mrs. Hudson: The wedding! John and Mary getting married! Sherlock: Two people who currently live together are about to attend church, have a party, go on a short holiday, then carry on living together. What’s big about that? Mrs. Hudson: It changes…