Category: notion

  • Influencers – how powerful are they?

    Day 3 of writing everyday. The past 9 months of genocide in Gaza has made me, and hopefully many others, step away from the frenzy of idolising celebrities. I truly understand there’s no point in idolising a fellow human being, but before the ongoing genocide, I would publicly show my admirations towards comedians and talkshow…

  • Obsolete Beauty

    After some nagging from a couple of friends who have followed the trend of becoming some founders of some sorts (kidding! They actually started a new blog), I eventually gave in and wrote an article for them. On the eve of my birthday, they published my writing. According to their blog stat, my article attracts…

  • That Higher Power

    I wonder about the existence of That Higher Power whenever I have an erection. As an adult man, I still find it amazing to see the size difference between a resting and an erect penis. They can be very different! And everytime I notice this, I always ask myself: who could possibly design this?  –…

  • The Case of Travelling Solo

    “You are very brave.” Was the remark I heard the most during my last solo trip.

  • To be Indonesian or not to be Indonesian

    … That is the question. Hanya sampai segitu saja kemampuan saya memplesetkan salah satu kalimat milik Shakespeare yang paling terkenal. Menarik sekali membaca berita akhir-akhir ini mengenai debat soal kewarganegaraan salah seorang menteri yang baru dilantik oleh Jokowi. Beritanya macam-macam, ada kubu pendukung Pak Menteri, ada juga kubu pembenci. Saya pribadi sih agak kurang paham…

  • “Pacar-Pacaran” Revisited

    Warning: this post is deeply personal, might contain snarky ideas and pessimism about the future. This is also quite a long post, so prepare yourself.