A diary replacement
(Sex) Scandal
How can it be, in this ostensibly enlightened age, when men and women live and work as peers and are schooled regularly in what conduct is acceptable and what is actionable, that anyone with so little judgment, so little honor, could rise to such heights? We know that powerful men can be powerfully reckless, particularly…
Elementary Sweetheart (Part 3)
We got back in the same class in grade five. As we see each other everyday, all day long, our ‘relationship’ did not go along well. He was too shy to talk to me in person and he kept on teasing me. We ended up having lots of fights all over again, just like when…
Small Trip: Berlin
My train reached Berlin in the afternoon. It wasn’t raining when I got to the city. It was also not raining when I arrived in the apartment where Lisa and I crashed in. Yes. Berlin was the first city, which I began the couch surfing experience. (I hosted some people before, but never did I…
Pilih-Pilih Tempat Kerja?
Sekali lagi, seperti yang sudah pernah saya tulis disini, saya mau menegaskan bahwa saya beneran belum pengen kerja. Tapi ada yang sedikit mengganggu saya nih soal pekerjaan ini. Saya mengerti kalau teman-teman saya memang tidak seberuntung saya, yang berasal dari keluarga yang cukup segala-galanya. Saya juga mengerti, dalam memilih pekerjaan, setiap orang punya alasan sendiri…
Undergraduates VS Graduates
The contemporary who had ‘wasted himself’ in advertising now had his own agency. He had recently been quoted in the paper as saying that he thought graduates weren’t worth the space. “Give me a sixteen year old any day,” he had said. “I am tired of these graduates who think they’re God’s gift because they…