Tag: Europe

  • Monumental Protest

    This week‘s Photo Challenge is about capturing a monument. It was quite a task for me to answer this challenge as I have a few photos of memorable monuments to choose from. After much consideration, I decided to put up this photo of Euro monument.

  • Weekly Photo Challenge: Street Life

    I really like the idea of this week‘s Weekly Photo Challenge: brings a street to life. Looking through my pictures, I found the most suitable street that has served thousands of lives for thousands of years. It is the Primorsky Boulevard in Odessa, Ukraine.

  • Weekly Photo Challenge: Reflections

    When I saw this week‘s challenge, I was excited almost immediately. It is about reflection and I just happen to have plenty of pictures that portray reflections (this post even featured a photo of reflections). Here’s one of them. This is my take on Birmigham Canal.

  • Small Trip: Barcelona

    After the 6 hours bus ride from Madrid, Lisa and I arrived in – some people say – the most stylish city in the world, Barcelona. When we first arrived, after not creating any booking in any hostels (because we thought the super long weekend was over) and not finding any girl hosts in Couch…

  • Small Trip: Madrid

    I would never forget the day I arrived in Madrid. It was a Sunday, October 10, 2010, a Columbus Day weekend. I arrived on the super long weekend, when the Spanish people started their holiday on Thursday and did not go back to work until the following Wednesday. The long weekend was ridiculously long.

  • Small Trip: Lisbon

    The next destination on my Small Trip was Lisbon, Portugal. I found that it was not that easy to get to Lisbon when you’re on a budget and on a tight schedule. Sure there were (more than) 24 hour-long buses that will go directly to Lisbon. But I mean, who would want to sit on…