Tag: girl

  • Obsolete Beauty

    After some nagging from a couple of friends who have followed the trend of becoming some founders of some sorts (kidding! They actually started a new blog), I eventually gave in and wrote an article for them. On the eve of my birthday, they published my writing. According to their blog stat, my article attracts…

  • Marriageable Virgin

    And why is it the women who have to be virgins? Why suffer torment to satisfy an asshole? Because the man who demands “virginity” from a woman is nothing but an asshole! Why don’t we behave as westerners do!? For them, since the problem of sex is resolved, they can move on to other things!…

  • Modern Self-Sacrificing Girl

    The modern girl doesn’t need a man. Men hold you back and let you down. A job doesn’t. Valerie Roper in The Tennis Party by Madeline Wickham (p. 245) Do you ever notice how all the self-sacrificing women in history, Joan of Arc, Mother Theresa, can’t think of any others, they all die alone. The…