Tag: marriage

  • “Pacar-Pacaran” Revisited

    Warning: this post is deeply personal, might contain snarky ideas and pessimism about the future. This is also quite a long post, so prepare yourself.

  • Humanity = Marriage

    This is my take on humanity. I think marriage is one of the most humane thing that a human could do. That legal binding called marriage still fascinates me – why do we, humans, need it? No other species does. Other species simply mates with their own kind, whenever they have the urge to do…

  • The Umpteenth Wedding

    Mrs. Hudson: So – it’s the big day then! Sherlock: What big day? Mrs. Hudson: The wedding! John and Mary getting married! Sherlock: Two people who currently live together are about to attend church, have a party, go on a short holiday, then carry on living together. What’s big about that? Mrs. Hudson: It changes…