Tag: sex

  • See the Baby!

    Kramer: She’s wondering when we’re gonna come over and see the baby Jerry: Oh. See the baby. Again with the baby. He keeps calling us to see the baby. You gotta see the baby! When are you gonna see the baby? Can they just send us a tape? Elaine: Maybe if you wait a few…

  • That ‘First Night’

    I came across Louie sometime ago when I accidentally changed the TV channel to FX. I have not yet become a fan and so far I have only watched a few episodes. However, the episodes that I watched have really touched me and I feel the need to share them. One of the episodes that…

  • Sex Could Kill You

    Sex could kill you. Do you know what the human body go through when you have sex? Pupil dilates, arteries constrict, core temperature rises, heart races, blood pressure skyrockets, respiration becomes rapid and shallow. The brain fires bursts of electrical impulses from nowhere to nowhere. Secretions spit out of every gland. And the muscles tense…

  • (Sex) Scandal

    How can it be, in this ostensibly enlightened age, when men and women live and work as peers and are schooled regularly in what conduct is acceptable and what is actionable, that anyone with so little judgment, so little honor, could rise to such heights? We know that powerful men can be powerfully reckless, particularly…