Weekly Photo Challenge: Letters

It is so interesting to be asked to display photo(s) of letters because I take pictures of words and sentences all the time, but not just letters. To be reminded that letters are not only functional but also beautiful is very thought-provoking.

Looking at my photo collections, it struck me that I have one interesting photo that featured scattered letters and I even posted in on this blog. So cool.


But here is my take on the challenge.





I took this picture a while a go in Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Makassar, when I was on my way to a secluded village of Pomalaa, South-East Sulawesi (a large number of people might be more familiar with this part of South-East Sulawesi).


There were two things that made me took this photo. First, it was my first time flying with a propeller plane in about 10 years. (I grew up flying with propeller planes, smaller that this one, due to the isolated condition of the village I lived in for the first 11 years of my life.) This romantic rendezvous drew me to take a picture of the plane. Second, I took this picture because I found it interesting that I had to use the plane’s backdoor to enter and the crew basically put a net to cover up the front door. It was very curious. I tried to ask around but no one was able to explain what was going on with the doors.


Anyway, the letters NGS are actually part of the word wiNGS, which basically emphasises the plane and how it was able to fly (aside from the engines, propellers, and designs, of course) – oh and it also explains the airline company’s name: wiNGS air (but this is an extremely boring fact).



P.S. You are welcome to take a look at my other posts on Makasaar and Pomalaa.





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