Greatest Love Song

I think that Spring is the saddest season of the year because it is usually the time to say goodbye to my favourite American TV series.

(I know. I am lame that way. My life still revolves around TV, worse, it’s American TV. Whatever.)


I am currently still recovering from the happiness that is Penny and Leonard’s engagement, from the sadness that is the possibility of Castle being burned to death, from the weirdness of saying a forced goodbye to Santana Lopez and from the burning curiosity that is The Samaritan.

(However, I am not dwelling over the end of How I Met Your Mother – good riddance, I say! Good riddance!)


I just finished doing a marathon rerun of Season 7 of The Big Bang Theory and it just hit me: I need to tell the world that my favourite TV show had unveiled the Greatest Love Song in the whole world.


Here it is:


Honestly, forget the currently extremely popular John Legend’s All of Me song. If a guy create a song like this and sing it to me, I would marry the guy right then and there.


Oh, this is going to be a super long summer! Can’t wait for the Fall to come!






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