Category: circadian

  • Current Wishlist – Asian Edition

    Prompted by Barack Obama‘s first visit to Laos, which was also the first visit by a US President ever, I decided to revisit my travel wishlists and put together five places in Asia – the continent that I am living in – that I would really love to go, sooner rather than later. Because, I…

  • “Pacar-Pacaran” Revisited

    Warning: this post is deeply personal, might contain snarky ideas and pessimism about the future. This is also quite a long post, so prepare yourself.

  • Current Wishlist – Pacific Islands Edition

    I was/am so crushed when I read about Cyclone Pam and how bad it is affecting Vanuatu. I’ve made jokes with countless friends about how I (and they too) need to go to the Pacific Islands soon, before they all disappear due to climate change. Frankly, it has always been an innocent joke. I mean, I…

  • Oldest Questions

    It all started by me. I have been doing this stupid thing within the past year and I cannot believe it myself. That stupid thing I’ve been doing is meeting new people. No, if you’re pervertibly thinking something else, maybe in relation to this post, sorry, my friend, you are wrong. This stupid thing of…

  • An Offer I Couldn’t Refuse

    In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Race the Clock.” This is a super hard question. What is that one offer that I couldn’t refuse?   First thought: money. Meh. Sure I need money to sustain my live and therefore live my dream, but if I don’t know where the money come from, I…

  • Pacar-Pacaran

    “Enggak punya pacar ya?” “………” “Udah lama ya enggak punya pacar?” “………”   Begitulah percakapan saya dengan dokter saya pada suatu malam. (Kalau-kalau ada yang panik dan bertanya-tanya “saya sakit apa?”, tenang saja. Saya tidak sakit apa-apa. Cuma lagi iseng saja pengen ke dokter. Kalau tidak ada yang panik ya alhamdulillah.) Kembali ke pembicaraan saya…