A diary replacement

  • Always Awkward

    The relationship between you and your ex boy/girlfriend is always awkward. Period. I do not care if you are the nicest person in the whole world or your ex is the nicest person in the whole world or you guys had a decent break-up or you guys still maintain some kind of friendship over the…

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  • Todung: 2009

    Saya baru saja selesai membaca buku Catatan Harian Todung Mulya Lubis, Buku 1. Saya harus bilang, sejak mulai membaca buku ini, saya sudah langsung berniat menuliskan pendapat saya tentang buku ini. Saya ‘menemukan’ buku ini di kamar orang tua saya pada hari yang sama dengan peluncuran buku ini. Ternyata papa dikirimi buku ini oleh Todung…

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  • Incase you’re not following…

    … I am not exactly following American Idol myself, but I watch all three of this week’s broadcast. Based on my experience of watching very few performances, I have found my two favourites. And I just need to share them here.

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  • That ‘First Night’

    I came across Louie sometime ago when I accidentally changed the TV channel to FX. I have not yet become a fan and so far I have only watched a few episodes. However, the episodes that I watched have really touched me and I feel the need to share them. One of the episodes that…

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  • That Little Island called Belitung

    I was going to start writing about my Half-Round the World Trip and then I suddenly remembered about this weekend trip that I did with my beloved sister, Alia, and my two close friends, Asti and Ayu.

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  • Bangga

    Setelah dikunjungi sama mama dan adik saya selama dua minggu kemarin, ada satu buah pikiran yang masih belum bisa saya hilangkan dari benak saya.

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