A diary replacement
Getting Married? (A Gift for Icha)
Due to the uncertainty of my package’s arrival, here’s one special post for you, Icha!
Racism in Tourism
It’s not just white people who go on holiday. ‘Non-white faces in travel brochures are rare except as smiling foreign waiters and exotic entertainers,’ said Michael Lomotey, who is black British. ‘Perhaps it’s assumed that black people all travel to visit friends and relatives and have no interest in travelling for leisure like everyone else…
Movie Tour
When daily life gets boring, Wellington would be a door to the fantasy world. Despite the unpredictable weather and the extremely strong wind, Wellington has many things to offer. Amongst the great outdoor adventures and fascinating collection of New Zealand’s faunas, one of the most recommended things to do in Wellington would be the movie…
Makin Tua Makin Jadi?
Ada beberapa hal yang menginspirasi saya untuk menulis tulisan ini.
Once I was asked, in one of my English lessons, what paradise would look like for me My answer was, and I still remember it until now, “Paradise would look like a place filled with any book you could ever think of, any book you want to read, and you are free to read there…
Hormat-Menghormati (?)
Saya akan memulai tulisan ini dengan sebuah pernyataan: “ketika kamu akan memasuki suatu komunitas tertentu dan para pendahulu komunitas itu bilang: ‘disini tidak ada senioritas’, JANGAN PERCAYA!”