Movie Tour

When daily life gets boring, Wellington would be a door to the fantasy world. Despite the unpredictable weather and the extremely strong wind, Wellington has many things to offer. Amongst the great outdoor adventures and fascinating collection of New Zealand’s faunas, one of the most recommended things to do in Wellington would be the movie tour, especially the Lord of the Rings movie tour.

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Once I was asked, in one of my English lessons, what paradise would look like for me
My answer was, and I still remember it until now,
“Paradise would look like a place filled with any book you could ever think of, any book you want to read, and you are free to read there as long as you want.”

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I have been wanting to write about this for a long time, but due to my current study where my Professors want me to cite and reference everything, I decided to have my ‘facts’ done first.

So, what I wanna write now is my thoughts on my most favourite TV series.
The Big Bang Theory and Glee.
Well, The Big Bang Theory is still my most favourite TV series now, but unfortunately, I’m loosing it with Glee.
But I’m not here to talk about why those two TV series become my favourite ones.
The topic of this post would be my two most favourite characters in those two TV series: Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali and Brittany Susan Pierce.

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Annual Family Holiday (Part One)

It’s been a tradition for me and my family to get together every new year.
This fact bugs my sister a lot of time, because she -as many teenagers do- would prefer to be with her friends.
So, to solve any problem, we usually go abroad to celebrate it.

Last/this year, (it’s kinda hard to distinguish when you travel at the end of the year) we went to Sydney and Wellington.

It was not our first visit to Sydney and we were still so much in love with the city. But I’m gonna dwell on Sydney a little later.

Wellington was something new for all of us, so we were excited.
When we first got to the Wellington airport, we were almost lost.
The New Zealand’s English was so very hard to understand. If you think Australians talk funny, try listening to New Zealanders. They talk even funnier!
(Although I met a local girl and she denied it, through and through)

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Tanah Air

Orang Indonesia mana sih yang gak tau lagu Tanah Air?

Kalo beneran ada yang gak tau,
“Gila, pas SD ngapain aja sih?”
Saya aja yang SD di antah-berantah tau loh lagu ini.

Baru-baru ini saya diingatkan dengan lagu ini saat menonton konser yang bertajuk Mocca Last Show.
Ceritanya vokalis grup band Mocca akan pindah ke Amerika Serikat dan belum tau kapan akan pulang ke Indonesia demi mengejar Green Card.
Salah satu lagu terakhir mereka di konser tersebut adalah lagu Tanah Air ini.
Waktu itu Arina, si vokalis, bilang kalau lirik lagu ini bikin nangis banget, terutama di detik-detik saat dia akan pergi.
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Luar Negeri

“Kalian sudah besar,” kata Papi pada Mbak Wiwiek, Mbak Titiek, aku, dan Tuti.

“Papi sudah mendidik dan menjaga kalian sejak kecil, mendampingi kalian selama sekolah, sampai kalian menjadi wanita-wanita dewasa.
Sekarang, papi ingin memberikan finishing touch pada kalian berupa pengalaman dan wawasan tinggal di negeri orang,” tutur Papi.
Lebih jauh Papi mengatakan bahwa pengalaman di luar negeri, jika dihayati dan diserap saripati manfaatnya, akan membawa seseorang pada pendewasaan yang lebih lengkap pada dirinya.

Ani Yudhoyono Kepak Sayap Putri PrajuritAlberthiene Endah (hal. 175)