Munafik #1: Alkohol, Narkoba, dan Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas

Karena Indonesia sedang lumayan dihebohkan dengan situasi dan kondisi persidangan AQJ alias Dul (anak umur 13 than yang menyetir mobilnya sendiri, mengalami kecelakaan, dan mengakibatkan meninggalnya enam orang), saya jadi teringat akan satu topik yang sudah lama tersimpan di dalam benak saya sejak lama.


Topik ini berhubungan dengan kecelakaan lalu lintas, seperti yang dialami oleh AQJ alias Dul, tapi secara spesifik melibatkan pengendara yang menyetir dalam keadaan mabuk.


Menyetir dalam keadaan mabuk, atau dalam Bahasa Inggris diartikan sebagai driving under the influence atau biasa disingkat DUI, bukanlah perkara baru di Indonesia.


Salah satu kasus kecelakaan lalu lintas terlama, berdasarkan ingatan saya, yang menggemparkan masyarakat Indonesia adalah kasus kecelakaan yang menimpa Nike Ardilla. Continue reading

See the Baby!

Kramer: She’s wondering when we’re gonna come over and see the baby

Jerry: Oh. See the baby. Again with the baby. He keeps calling us to see the baby. You gotta see the baby! When are you gonna see the baby? Can they just send us a tape?

Elaine: Maybe if you wait a few more months then it won’t be a baby anymore then you don’t have to see it  

Jerry: Because they all grown up!


Jerry: It’s tough about seeing the people when they have a baby. You have to match their level of enthusiasm. They’re always so excited. “What do you think of them? What do you think?”

Just once I would like to meet a couple that goes, “you know we’re not too happy about them, frankly. I think we really make a big mistake, we should’ve gotten an aquarium.”


Seinfeld S03E18

(See the clips here and here)

Always Awkward

The relationship between you and your ex boy/girlfriend is always awkward. Period.

I do not care if you are the nicest person in the whole world or your ex is the nicest person in the whole world or you guys had a decent break-up or you guys still maintain some kind of friendship over the years – the relationship between you and your ex is bound for awkwardness. Everyone who says otherwise, I am very sorry, I would never ever agree with you.

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Todung: 2009

Saya baru saja selesai membaca buku Catatan Harian Todung Mulya Lubis, Buku 1. Saya harus bilang, sejak mulai membaca buku ini, saya sudah langsung berniat menuliskan pendapat saya tentang buku ini.
Saya ‘menemukan’ buku ini di kamar orang tua saya pada hari yang sama dengan peluncuran buku ini. Ternyata papa dikirimi buku ini oleh Todung Lubis langsung. Saat itu juga, saya menyempatkan membaca beberapa lembar buku ini. Namun, karena waktu itu saya masih menyelesaikan buku The Casual Vacancy, saya jadi harus menunda pembacaan buku ini. Akhirnya saya baru bisa memulai membaca buku ini pada awal bulan Maret.

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That ‘First Night’

I came across Louie sometime ago when I accidentally changed the TV channel to FX. I have not yet become a fan and so far I have only watched a few episodes. However, the episodes that I watched have really touched me and I feel the need to share them.

One of the episodes that I watched was called Come On, God (S02E08). The whole episode was dedicated to masturbation, which is not the point of this post.

The point of this post is explained by the 2:50 minutes video below.
When I watched it the first time I laughed out loud. After that, I have not yet stopped wondering. Was it appropriate to laugh? Have I been mocking God? Have I been mocking people that worship God? After all, I am ‘keeping myself’ until I get married.

Anyway, regardless of what someone’s religion is, I guess this is the basic thought of why someone is ‘keeping themselves’ until they get married.

Happy wedding to all my dearest friends. I hope your ‘first night’ is not going to be as terrible as what I have been told.

Racism in Tourism

It’s not just white people who go on holiday.
‘Non-white faces in travel brochures are rare except as smiling foreign waiters and exotic entertainers,’ said Michael Lomotey, who is black British.
‘Perhaps it’s assumed that black people all travel to visit friends and relatives and have no interest in travelling for leisure like everyone else – a crazy business assumption.
Or is it unspoken racism within tourism industry?’

(Pattullo, et al, 2009, p. 40)

For me, the question applies to not only black but every other race.

Pattullo, P., Minelli, O., Hourmant, P., Smith, P., Viesnik, L., and Dall, A. (2009) The Ethical Travel Guide: Your Passport to Alternative Holidays. 2nd ed. London: Earthscan.