A diary replacement

  • Why, indeed

    It is super interesting to be asked “why I blog” at this ‘late’ stage of blogging because actually this blog is not my first blog. (If you are curious enough, you can go here to read what I wrote way back when.) I started my first blog back when I was 17 – super young and…

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  • Pesta

    Akhirnya minggu lalu saya ikutan Pemilu.    Tanggal 9 April kemarin jadi hari yang cukup bersejarah untuk saya karena untuk pertama kalinya saya mengikuti Pemilu tingkat nasional.   Bila melihat kebelakang, pengalaman saya ikut Pemilu sangat minim. Waktu SD saya ingat pernah ikut beberapa pemilihan ketua kelas. SMP juga sama. Selepas SMP, saya tidak pernah…

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  • Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty

    It feels like life begins there. In a middle-of-nowhere city. It was her first time seeing snow; winter was October ’till May. She was considered black – Conservatism? Racism? For her, origin is such an ambiguous word.   She managed to create second, third, fourth family. She simply knows where she’s from.     ________________________________________…

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  • English is a Funny Language: Elementary Schools

    I am actually really torn about what I found in elementary public schools across Indonesia. Torn between sadness and laughter.

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  • Weekly Photo Challenge: Street Life

    I really like the idea of this week‘s Weekly Photo Challenge: brings a street to life. Looking through my pictures, I found the most suitable street that has served thousands of lives for thousands of years. It is the Primorsky Boulevard in Odessa, Ukraine.

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  • Half-round the World Trip: Taiwan

    I finally come to my senses and want to finally start writing about my Half-Round the World Trip. My first stop on this trip was Taiwan.

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