Tag: cinta

  • Always Awkward

    The relationship between you and your ex boy/girlfriend is always awkward. Period. I do not care if you are the nicest person in the whole world or your ex is the nicest person in the whole world or you guys had a decent break-up or you guys still maintain some kind of friendship over the…

  • Elementary Sweetheart (Part 5 – end)

    Previously on Elementary Sweetheart: I was in elementary school. Me and this boy had mutual feelings but he never had the courage to tell me in my face. When he did, I rejected him, not nicely. We ended up having an awkward friendship, due to the distance that separate us both.

  • Elementary Sweetheart (Part 4)

    The highlight of grade six was – of course – his confession. It was once upon a Monday. I stayed in the class as I hardly bought anything from the school canteen and always brought my own snack to school. Having been injured on a tennis game the day before (yeah. he was such a…

  • Habibie & Ainun: Bukan Sekedar Kisah Cinta

    Saya baru saja menyelesaikan buku Habibie & Ainun karya Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie. Saya merasa sudah menjadi kewajiban saya untuk menulis pendapat saya tentang buku ini. Yang harus saya tulis pertama kali adalah saya bersyukur karena telah membeli buku ini saat ada potongan harga besar-besaran di toko buku Gramedia. Jika tidak ada potongan harga, saya rasa…

  • Elementary Sweetheart (Part 3)

    We got back in the same class in grade five. As we see each other everyday, all day long, our ‘relationship’ did not go along well. He was too shy to talk to me in person and he kept on teasing me. We ended up having lots of fights all over again, just like when…

  • Elementary Sweetheart (Part 2)

    By the third grade, this ultimate enemy of mine was over his super heroes fantasy. But he could not stop teasing me about all sorts of stuff. Now, I don’t remember any of the things he teased me about. The only thing that I remember was that we fought a whole lot. And by that…