Tag: Indonesia

  • Pesta

    Akhirnya minggu lalu saya ikutan Pemilu.    Tanggal 9 April kemarin jadi hari yang cukup bersejarah untuk saya karena untuk pertama kalinya saya mengikuti Pemilu tingkat nasional.   Bila melihat kebelakang, pengalaman saya ikut Pemilu sangat minim. Waktu SD saya ingat pernah ikut beberapa pemilihan ketua kelas. SMP juga sama. Selepas SMP, saya tidak pernah…

  • Singkatan Ganggu

    Setelah sekian lama saya seperti hampir melupakan tema ‘ganggu’ (yang pernah saya tulis disini dan disini), saya akhirnya memutuskan untuk memaparkan kembali opini saya soal hal-hal yang sangat mengganggu saya. Kali ini saya mau membahas kemalasan orang Indonesia yang super hobi menyingkat segala macam kata dan kalimat.

  • Politik: Benar dan Lucu

    Mumpung lagi euforia kampanye dan pemilu, saya mau berbagi koleksi beberapa kutipan yang sudah saya kumpulkan, tentang politik. 

  • Weekly Photo Challenge: Perspective

    Another week, another challenge. Again, I take this as a great way to showcase some photographs that I took sometime ago. This time, I have decided to show two photographs that I took in an island that is very close to my heart. I lived in this island during the first eleven years of my…

  • English is a Funny Language: Advertisement

    A while ago I have this idea of starting to actually showcase some pictures that I took in various places that I passed by. I tried Instagram for about a week but then realised that I do not have the time and energy to actually ‘nurture’ another form of social media – it is indeed…

  • Weekly Writing Challenge: Threes

    I recently found out about Weekly Writing Challenge and decided to accept this week’s challenge. It is about telling a story based on three photographs. I looked through the pictures that I took awhile ago and thought that this would be a great way to post them. Here are my three photographs. All photographs were…