Why, indeed

It is super interesting to be asked “why I blog” at this ‘late’ stage of blogging because actually this blog is not my first blog. (If you are curious enough, you can go here to read what I wrote way back when.)

I started my first blog back when I was 17 – super young and a bit naive. When the question of “why I blog” popped up, I thought about why I started blogging for a while and found something very interesting.

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Akhirnya minggu lalu saya ikutan Pemilu. 


Tanggal 9 April kemarin jadi hari yang cukup bersejarah untuk saya karena untuk pertama kalinya saya mengikuti Pemilu tingkat nasional.


Bila melihat kebelakang, pengalaman saya ikut Pemilu sangat minim. Waktu SD saya ingat pernah ikut beberapa pemilihan ketua kelas. SMP juga sama. Selepas SMP, saya tidak pernah lagi berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan Pemilu (termasuk kegiatan Pemilu kampus, tingkat kota, dan propinsi).

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Weekly Writing Challenge: Writerly Reflections

I like to think that I owe Enid Blyton for everything I know about reading, writing and books.

It all started when I was about 7 and my parents bought me some of Blyton’s Bedtime Stories collections. I read the books over and over, I still remember some of the stories until now.

When I was about 9, my mother told me how she used to read Blyton’s writing too. She then introduced me to my first Blyton’s series: Famous Five. The series were like an ecstasy for me. I could not put it down until I was finished and when I was finished, I was always craving for more.

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Close Talker Chav

I am not a gamer. Never was, never ever will be. I remember when my sister and I was still into PlayStation, I would play Bishi Bashi or Disney’s Hercules Action Game occasionally. However, the most fun I had with PlayStation was when I had several friends (mostly boys) came over to my house and they would take turn to play my PlayStation.

(My sister, on the other hand, is a gamer. She has -almost- every game console back in the late 1990s/early 2000s. From PlayStation to Nintendo DS. Eventually, I think, she stopped at Wii. However, she still plays games with all Apple gadgets she has, from iPod Touch to iPad to her latest iPhone 5S.)


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Todung: 2009

Saya baru saja selesai membaca buku Catatan Harian Todung Mulya Lubis, Buku 1. Saya harus bilang, sejak mulai membaca buku ini, saya sudah langsung berniat menuliskan pendapat saya tentang buku ini.
Saya ‘menemukan’ buku ini di kamar orang tua saya pada hari yang sama dengan peluncuran buku ini. Ternyata papa dikirimi buku ini oleh Todung Lubis langsung. Saat itu juga, saya menyempatkan membaca beberapa lembar buku ini. Namun, karena waktu itu saya masih menyelesaikan buku The Casual Vacancy, saya jadi harus menunda pembacaan buku ini. Akhirnya saya baru bisa memulai membaca buku ini pada awal bulan Maret.

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That ‘First Night’

I came across Louie sometime ago when I accidentally changed the TV channel to FX. I have not yet become a fan and so far I have only watched a few episodes. However, the episodes that I watched have really touched me and I feel the need to share them.

One of the episodes that I watched was called Come On, God (S02E08). The whole episode was dedicated to masturbation, which is not the point of this post.

The point of this post is explained by the 2:50 minutes video below.
When I watched it the first time I laughed out loud. After that, I have not yet stopped wondering. Was it appropriate to laugh? Have I been mocking God? Have I been mocking people that worship God? After all, I am ‘keeping myself’ until I get married.

Anyway, regardless of what someone’s religion is, I guess this is the basic thought of why someone is ‘keeping themselves’ until they get married.

Happy wedding to all my dearest friends. I hope your ‘first night’ is not going to be as terrible as what I have been told.


I have been wanting to write about this for a long time, but due to my current study where my Professors want me to cite and reference everything, I decided to have my ‘facts’ done first.

So, what I wanna write now is my thoughts on my most favourite TV series.
The Big Bang Theory and Glee.
Well, The Big Bang Theory is still my most favourite TV series now, but unfortunately, I’m loosing it with Glee.
But I’m not here to talk about why those two TV series become my favourite ones.
The topic of this post would be my two most favourite characters in those two TV series: Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali and Brittany Susan Pierce.

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Kepak Sayap

Saya selalu tertarik dengan situasi politik Indonesia sejak saya kecil. Saya ingat sekali saat kerusuhan 1998, saya yang waktu itu tinggal di Sulawesi, memilih untuk ikut menonton tv bersama mama dan papa lewat TV kabel yang kami miliki, daripada bermain bersama teman-teman saya.

Karena itulah, sewaktu mama bilang bahwa Ani Yudhoyono kemungkinan besar akan mencalonkan diri sebagai Presiden Republik Indonesia di tahun 2014, saya memutuskan untuk membeli buku Ani Yudhoyono Kepak Sayap Putri Prajurit oleh Alberthiene Endah (sekalian, waktu itu lagi ada diskon Gramedia juga soalnya).

Ani Yudhoyono Kepak Sayap Putri Prajurit

Gak tau sejak kapan, tapi saya merasa, kalau orang itu mau memimpin saya (atau negara saya, atau kota saya, atau apapun itu yang berhubungan dengan saya), saya merasa harus tau bibit, bebet, dan bobot orang tersebut.
Jadi, saat saya mulai membaca buku ini, saya berusaha membuka pikiran saya dan berusaha untuk tidak mengingat-ingat kepayahan pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, yang merupakan suami Ani Yudhoyono.

Di dalam pikiran saya, pasti lah buku ini banyak mengelu-elukan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, karena Ani dan SBY suami istri. Wajar.
Tapi saya harus berusaha tetap netral.

Jadi, atas berkat usaha saya ini, saya mendapatkan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

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