The Place I Would Like to Go Right Now

If I could choose where I would like to be transported to, I would definitely choose London.

It may sound crazy and obsessive, but I still dream of going back there on a daily basis.


busI think of London when I jump on a TransJakarta bus. I would imagine myself being in a London’s red double decker, standing in the handicapped area, because I would be too lazy to climb up the stairs to find a seat. Then I would curse the mothers and their baby strollers because they pushed me away from where I was standing and forced me to choose between finding a new place to stand or climbing up the stairs to sit. I, especially, think of London when I read something so awesome such as this story.


I think of London when I drive past Jalan Sudirman, Thamrin, and Medan Merdeka Barat of Jakarta. I usually spotted sidewalk benches that are randomly installed along those roads, which made me think of park benches in London. Chelsea Physic GardenMy train of thoughts would continue on to thinking about how I did not spend that much time sitting on any park benches in London (well, except maybe that time in Parliament Hill and that time in Marble Arch corner) because they were equally disgusting as the Jakarta’s ones. I spent a lot of time sitting on grass in different parks in London, having picnic with friends, or we simply sat there and talked, for hours. I also walked for miles and miles and miles across many London’s parks, both royal and non-royal ones. From Crystal Palace in the South, Victoria Park in the East, to my everyday sighting of St. James’s Park/Green Park/Hyde Park back in the West. I, especially, think of London when I read about something like this.


I think of London everytime I pass hazardous waste bins along Jalan Sudirman, Thamrin, and Medan Merdeka Barat of Jakarta. I think of the hazardous waste report that I wrote for London and how silly the government of Jakarta to install Boris Johnsonthose bins there. I think of how much effort I put into writing that document and I wonder why nobody from Indonesian government has asked me to do the same (hint: if such document would create great impact, I’d even do it for free). I remember when I, along with friends from other more advanced EU countries, mocked London’s recycling system and how there were some blind spots across the city, in terms of recycling. I think of London whenever I put paper in my trash bin in Jakarta, together with my – supposedly – compostable waste. Because, even though I only separated recyclable and non-recyclable waste back in London, the city’s effort to manage waste should still be appreciated.


I think of London when I walk on a sidewalk. Any sidewalk. I always knew that I like walking, but I declared my love for it in London. I remember when I felt blue, I got out of the tube one stop further than my actual stop and I walked back home. I remember my walk along the Waterloo Bridge, London Bridge, Tower Bridge and of course Westminster Bridge – bridges closest to my heart. I remember my late night walk from Trafalgar Square, whenever I got frustratedTower Bridge of waiting for the night bus, which never comes whenever I felt the coldest. I remember my walk from Leicester Square, after stuffing myself with anything Asia related in Chinatown. I remember my walk in Bishop Avenue, I was trying really hard to catch a glimpse of those over-priced, super huge, and famously owned houses, in the quest of getting free food at Wisma Nusantara. I remember my walk in Greenwich and how I convinced my parents to do the same; they cursed at me along the way, but it was worth it. And of course, I will never forget my walks with the Ramblers, I don’t think I could ever reach those corners of London if it weren’t for them.


I think of London whenever I’m having crappy wePetrusstern food, but also when I’m having the best ones. I remember there were times when I was considering to buy a can of baked beans at Tesco. Thank goodness, I did came to my senses and decided not to. I also remember that time when I was eating at the Chef’s Table at Petrus. My family and I were sharing the most amazing Gordon Ramsay’s beef wellington and we haven’t dared to try other’s ever since.


I think of London whenever it rains continuously, whenever the sun is avoiding to appear in the tropical sky of Indonesia, whenever the sky is grey.


I think of London like I think of my family, very close to my heart.


So, when is the next speed-of-light train leaving for London?






4 responses to “The Place I Would Like to Go Right Now”

  1. Cathy A Montville Avatar


    My husband has always wanted to visit London. It’s something we plan on doing in the next couple years.

    Your photos are beautiful, as always!

    Hope things are well with you!

    I’m going to try to get back to blogging and reading again. I’ve been soooo busy!


    1. alienkeren Avatar

      Hi Cathy,

      Thanks for the visit. I have been super busy too. I’ve complained to my boss that our work has take up too much time and it’s been taking my blogging time :p
      I hope you are enjoying summer and have a chance to go to London soon.
      Take care!

  2. […] alienkeren on The Place I Would Like to Go Right Now […]

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