Weekly Writing Challenge: Writerly Reflections

I like to think that I owe Enid Blyton for everything I know about reading, writing and books.

It all started when I was about 7 and my parents bought me some of Blyton’s Bedtime Stories collections. I read the books over and over, I still remember some of the stories until now.

When I was about 9, my mother told me how she used to read Blyton’s writing too. She then introduced me to my first Blyton’s series: Famous Five. The series were like an ecstasy for me. I could not put it down until I was finished and when I was finished, I was always craving for more.

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Singkatan Ganggu

Setelah sekian lama saya seperti hampir melupakan tema ‘ganggu’ (yang pernah saya tulis disini dan disini), saya akhirnya memutuskan untuk memaparkan kembali opini saya soal hal-hal yang sangat mengganggu saya. Kali ini saya mau membahas kemalasan orang Indonesia yang super hobi menyingkat segala macam kata dan kalimat.

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Cerita Satu Kelas

Sejak saya mulai menulis blog tahun 2005-an (agak lupa tepatnya kapan), saya selalu berpikir soal statistik pengunjung blog. Awalnya saya memang kepikiran soal bagaimana menaikkan angka pengunjung ke blog saya, apa yang harus saya tulis, apa yang sebaiknya saya lakukan, dan lain-lain. Tapi kemudian saya jadi tidak peduli. Tujuan saya menulis blog kan bukan demi popularitas, jadi mau ada orang lain yang baca atau tidak itu urusan kesekian perihal blog saya.

Bukan berarti saya tidak peduli lagi soal statistik blog. Setelah pakai WordPress, saya kagum sekali dengan bagaimana saya bisa melihat berbagai kegiatan perihal blog saya. Saya bisa tau darimana pengunjung blog saya berasal, apa yang mereka klik saat mereka membaca blog saya, dan yang paling menarik: bagaimana cara mereka menemukan blog saya.

Penemuan saya yang paling mencengangkan sejauh ini tergambarkan dalam foto dibawah ini. Continue reading

Close Talker Chav

I am not a gamer. Never was, never ever will be. I remember when my sister and I was still into PlayStation, I would play Bishi Bashi or Disney’s Hercules Action Game occasionally. However, the most fun I had with PlayStation was when I had several friends (mostly boys) came over to my house and they would take turn to play my PlayStation.

(My sister, on the other hand, is a gamer. She has -almost- every game console back in the late 1990s/early 2000s. From PlayStation to Nintendo DS. Eventually, I think, she stopped at Wii. However, she still plays games with all Apple gadgets she has, from iPod Touch to iPad to her latest iPhone 5S.)


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English is a Funny Language: Advertisement

A while ago I have this idea of starting to actually showcase some pictures that I took in various places that I passed by. I tried Instagram for about a week but then realised that I do not have the time and energy to actually ‘nurture’ another form of social media – it is indeed exhausting, isn’t it?

So last night I decided that I will put them here. I found that I took plenty of pictures that would actually enable me to create a series of blog posts, much inspired by ShitLondon. I hope this series show how funny English can be, especially when it is used by non-native speakers. Here is my first shot.

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Weekly Writing Challenge: Threes

I recently found out about Weekly Writing Challenge and decided to accept this week’s challenge. It is about telling a story based on three photographs. I looked through the pictures that I took awhile ago and thought that this would be a great way to post them. Here are my three photographs.

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All photographs were taken in Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. I went on a three-day boat trip to experience a little bit of rainforest and to see some orangutans. It was one of the biggest eye-opening trips I have ever been.

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